
About Us - Open Operating System for Smart Glasses

We're building the open operating system for smart glasses.

We believe building an open-source, community driven OS and ecosystem for smart glasses is the best path to ensure that the next personal computing device works to upgrade humanity for the better. We’re building the open, self-empowered, augmented future.

Why Build AugmentOS

We believe building an open-source, community driven OS and ecosystem for smart glasses is the best path to ensure the next personal computing device works to upgrade humanity for the better. We’re building the open, self-empowering, intercognitive, augmented future.

We have identified multiple fundamental issues that exist in the current technology ecosystem that will hold back the development and adoption of smart glasses if not solved. The modern mobile operating system ecosystem is not ready for smart glasses, and AugmentOS is the solution. Specifically, technically, we enable any app to:

  1. Immediately run on any pair of smart glasses.
  2. Continuously access smart glasses I/O.
  3. Run all the time – don’t let iOS and Android shut down your app, run in the background for days, guaranteed.
  4. Get seen – solve the distribution problem by getting your app in front of everyone using smart glasses.

For users, this has multiple benefits. It means that one can install many different proactive applications and run them all at the same time. It also saves today’s hassle of fighting to reconnect and restart smart glasses applications that have been killed by your phone. Most importantly, it solves the problem of too much information and the wrong kinds of information. AugmentOS is a semantic OS at its core. That means that the user decides what they see and when they see it. Today’s mediums (phones, laptops) and media (feeds) decide for us what we are exposed to, with the choices for what we see controlled by the objective function of engagement and ad revenue. We believe smart glasses are the next information medium, and that building user-aligned intelligence into their core, so that users control the filters on their media and reality, is the best way to ensure this next platform is personally empowering.

We hold some strong fundamental beliefs:

  • Proactive AI: Humanity’s relationship with technology is undergoing a fundamental shift. We are moving from explicit tools we use when needed to AI agents that proactively augment our thinking. To achieve true hybrid thinking, these agents need the ability to continuously capture context while also accessing a high-bandwidth interface to our minds. Smart glasses are the ideal platform for this, as they can see what we see, hear what we hear, decide what we see, and decide what we hear. This vision is fundamentally different from just moving phone apps to our face – it’s a new computing paradigm.
  • Underspec: Smart glasses apps won’t run directly on the glasses themselves for a long time. Glasses, with prescriptions, need to be under 40 grams and last 8+ hours to be all-day wearable. To be that lightweight, they will have very limited specs, which means the applications can’t run on the glasses.
  • Memes Matter: Smart glasses will rapidly become one of the dominant ways we communicate and receive information. Modern media and information dispersion systems are not setup in a way that promotes the spreading of good memes (memes as in memetics). A few key players decide the algorithms by which memes are dispersed, with an objective function of engagement and ad revenue. We believe giving power to each individual to determine the memes they spread and receive is the best way to promote the spread of good memes. This needs to be done at the OS level on this next computing platform.
  • Stay Out of the Way: AugmentOS aims to stay out of the way. From our minimalist UI, to our fully-permissive SDK for developers, to our decentralized app store that is owned by no one, we believe that the OS should solve the fundamental problems that must be solved by an OS, and otherwise get out of the way. No personal computing platform has succeeded without third party applications – the OS is just the portal to run and interact with those applications. AugmentOS puts the power and decision-making into the hands of users and app developers to fully control the experience. AugmentOS won’t be adopted if any one party is controlling, profiting from, or commandeering how the OS works – it’s fundamentally a decentralized and community driven effort that everyone – from the smallest smart glasses hardware OEM to the largest big tech company – can adopt as the way they create amazing experiences for users of their product.

Our fundamental goal is to achieve an open source, individually controlled, decentralized future for smart glasses, so they can augment us, make us better, and give us meaning, not serve as a tool for manipulation, Wall-E-ification, monopolification, and literal corporate control of our individual realities. We believe smart glasses are the next step humanity takes in enhancing ourselves, building an exocortex that multiplies our intelligence millions fold. Let’s win the next general purpose computer platform for society.

Spatial Augmented Reality

We believe that heads-up-display (HUD) smart glasses will be as big as smart phones are today, and that spatial augmented reality will be as big as the internet. In fact, spatial augmented reality is the next phase of the internet, as the digital and physical worlds combine.

We believe there are different kinds of augmented reality. The HUD glasses of today enable semantic augmented reality, whereby our thoughts and conversations (semantic reality) are modified via this new interface. The spatial augmented reality glasses of the future combine the digital world with the physical world, and will be achieved by smart glasses that know where they are in space. Today’s smart glasses must have limited specifications and capabilities to achieve lightweight and low-power, and thus lie firmly in the camp of HUD. They have nowhere near the sensing or spatial computing capabilities to achieve true spatial augmented reality. We believe these HUD devices will enable innumerable use cases and unbounded intelligence enhancement for humanity. Over time, as the technology develops, these devices will achieve more and more spatial capabilities in an all-day form factor, gradually advancing until we achieve the true, Rainbows End style of augmented reality which is a true fusing of the physical and digital worlds.

AugmentOS is designed with this timeline in mind. We are solving the immediate problems that HUD glasses face, with a future roadmap that continually incorporates the most advanced capabilities (spatial, sensing, I/O, etc) that are achievable in all-day form factor and battery life. Eventually, AugmentOS will reach its final form as the OS for invasive BCIs. As such, AugmentOS today is focused on underspec HUD glasses, and tomorrow will continue to develop to be a full spatial augmented reality OS.

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